We are pleased to announce the availability of Student Travel Grants for the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2013). These grants are intended to broaden participation in IC2E 2013 and to foster student research in the scope of the conference. The grants will provide stipends to cover registration fees and assist with travel and accommodation expenses for students who wish to attend IC2E 2013. The grants have been made possible by the generous contributions of IBM Research and IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Committee on Business Informatics and Systems (TCBIS).
IC2E is a new conference that provides a high-quality and comprehensive forum for the exchange of information on engineering principles, enabling technologies, and practical experiences as related to cloud computing. By bringing together experts that work on different levels of the cloud stack – systems, storage, networking, platforms, databases, and applications, IC2E offers an unique opportunity for researchers and practitioners to gain an end-to-end view on the challenges and latest technologies in cloud computing. Further information on IC2E 2013 can be found here
Any full-time student attending an accredited institution may apply for the travel grant, regardless whether the student has an accepted paper. The student applicant must send an email to perng@us.ibm.com with subject line “IC2E Travel Grant Application”. The email must include the following information:
- Name:
- Email:
- Address:
- University:
- Department:
- Degree Sought:
- Expected Graduation Date:
- Anticipated funding amount needed (excluding registration cost):
- Other sources of funding available?
- Paper title if author of accepted paper:
- Brief summary of research interests and accomplishments:
- Brief statement about why the conference attendance is important to you:
- Student’s CV as a pdf file
All applications must be received by March 8, 2013, 5:00PM EST. The notification date is March 12, 2013.