Interesē kibernoziegumi, to izmeklēšana un ASV FIB darbība?
Tad esi gaidīts otrdien, 7.maijā,
LU Juridiskās fakultātes konferenču zālē
(153.telpa, 1.stāvā, Raiņa bulv.19) !
Kad laikā no 10:00 līdz 10:30 (starpbrīdī) ar lekciju-diskusiju
„Cyber Security and FBI” (angļu valodā)
fakultāte viesosies
FIB īpašais aģents datornoziegumos un pretizlūkošanā Kevins Koelbels,un ASV Nacionālās drošības un kibernoziegumu nodaļas vadītājs Daniels Silvers.
Visi interesenti laipni gaidīti!
Zemāk informācija par abiem lektoriem.
Mr. Kevin Koelbel is a Supervisory Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). For the past thirteen years, Mr. Koelbel has specialized in counter-proliferation investigations involving the theft of sensitive U.S. military and dual-use technologies. Mr. Koelbel is currently assigned to the FBI’s
Portland Field Office where he supervises the ounterintelligence and Cyber Intrusion programs. Mr.Koelbel has previously been assigned to FBI Headquarters and to the Department of State as the FBI’s senior liaison to the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls on export violation matters.
Daniel Silver received his undergraduate degree from Brown University in 1999 and received a J.D., magna cum laude, in 2002 from the New York University School of Law. After graduation, Dan clerked for United States Magistrate Judge Cheryl Pollak in the Eastern District of New York and United States District Judge
Harold Baer, Jr. in the Southern District of New York. Dan joined the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York (“EDNY”) in October 2006. Dan is currently the Chief of the National Security and Cybercrime Section.
During his time in the EDNY, Dan has participated in and supervised a number of significant investigations and prosecutions involving a wide range of federal crimes, including racketeering, international narcotics trafficking, terrorism and the illegal export of controlled technology. Most recently, Dan investigated HSBC for anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance failures, and charged eleven members of a Russian military procurement network for illegally selling controlled microelectronics to Russian military and intelligence agencies.
Izskatās forša tēma, vai tiešām ar pusstundu garu diskusiju būs pietiekami?
@Uģis Lazdiņš Info saņēmām no juristiem, bet drošības pēc sazināšos un pārbaudīšu par datu korektumu.
Jā, patiesi lekcijai tiks atvēlēts ierobežots laiks: 20 min. lekcijai un 20 min. diskusijai, bet ja kāds jautājums ieilgs, tad tiks nodrošināts papildlaiks.